We know that a child who has one or more caring adult(s) in his/her life is more likely to succeed in adulthood. Coaches have the unique power to guide young people not only on the playing field but also in life. Unfortunately, most coaches have been left unprepared.
Only 29% of Ohio coaches feel confident in their ability to address athletes’ mental health concerns.
Only 27% of Ohio coaches feel confident in their ability to help athletes regulate their emotions/to prevent burnout.
Only 24% of Ohio coaches feel confident in their ability to identify off the field stressors among athletes (LiFEsports, 2022).
70% of coaches in OHSAA are non-school employees with limited background in education and child development.
LiFEsports, in partnership with the Ohio High School Athletic Association, is working to change the landscape of coach training in Ohio. Coach Beyond, a series of ten coach education sessions, is designed to ensure Ohio’s coaches are ready to “coach beyond...”